Tuesday 10 December 2019

Essence of Christmas

The essence of Christmas is its relevance. It can have a home at every stage of life. It is the voice crying out in wilderness and not a story tale once told. It can be as meaningful in the present as it was 2000 years ago, for Jesus is still shining bright. This year take time and look at twinkle of the lights or the stars shining bright, may it also be a reminder of the One who gives light to all. Christmas is all about the good news of a changed heart Christmas Quotes Jesus, Holiday Sayings, Christmas Prayer, Royal Christmas, A Christmas Story, 12 Days Of Christmas, Christmas Greetings, Christmas Art, Christian Holidays

We are in that special season once again, a season of joy, of peace, of great tidings. A season when we celebrate the birth of Christ the King, the redeemer of mankind! Jesus is the reason for the season. What does Christmas mean to you and me? I will like to draw reference from the views of two writers. The first is J. C Penney who wrote, ‘Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.’
     Christmas is not all about merry making. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love of God for humanity. This unquantifiable love is summed up in the popular bible verse John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have eternal life.”When we ponder on God’s love for us, we too are encouraged to share love with others, to embrace peace and be our brother’s keeper. When we are imbued with this love of God, we will be always willing to give a helping hand to those in need, to give succour and comfort to the vulnerable ones amongst others. At Christmas, we are expected to spare time to contemplate on things eternal. That is, we must remind ourselves that we are strangers her on earth; that our real home is in heaven. And that no matter how long we live, we shall sure die one day. So many people who started the year 2012 with us are not around to finish it. Like us, they commenced the New Year with high hopes and aspirations. Some may have planned to marry this year, to buy a new car or to move into their new apartment. But alas, all those are now but a pipe dream. Thus, we should count ourselves lucky to be alive to see this Christmas. This should therefore be a period of gratitude to God for sparing our lives and counting us among the living. It should equally be an opportunity for us to mend our ways with God so that we will not be found wanting.

     As we celebrate the birth of our saviour, let’s be human & kind enough to remember & show some love to those motherless babies, helpless orphans, hospital patients, prisoners, beggars & all those who are not fortunate enough to be actively involved in the celebration of the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

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